Martin Headger | The Planner
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Martin Headger

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Rand Club is a Cut Above the Rest

Rand Club opened its doors in 1887 and has since been one of South Africa’s most enigmatic and prestigious venues. We look at this beautiful space as a first-class venue showcase. The four-storey Rand Club might be classified as an antique but...

Sustainable social responsibility

It is simply not enough in this day and age to merely exist as a business providing goods or a service to a relevant market. Aside from all the dots and crosses on the respective letters of the alphabet, there needs to be more mindfulness given to...

The end-user experience

During events, there is a great deal of consideration that needs to be given towards the end-user experience. What your delegate or attendee is going to see and do at your event is at the forefront of this. Exhibitions generally speak for...