Shanna Jacobsen | Feb 11, 2020
Unincorporated joint ventures (JV) that want to tender for government contracts need to be aware of the recent Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) changes that came into effect on 1 December 2019, and which will significantly impact...
Mpinane Senkhane | May 28, 2019
As a creative personality, administration has never been my strong point. I have always worked very hard at not falling behind in admin tasks, as the stress of sitting and sorting it all out a few months down the line is not worth it for me – I...
Heather Hook | Jan 20, 2016
If you are lucky enough to be able to afford professional events management software to track tasks, develop programmes, handle registration and marketing etc then there are a variety of options available to you – but we suggest doing detailed...
Heather Hook | Jan 12, 2016
Eventing is known for involving a fair amount of paperwork – pre, during and post-event. To be honest, I detest paperwork with a passion, and for this reason, I make sure that I have a team who are brilliant at it. This frees me to get involved in...