Cape Town has the world’s best hotels | The Planner

According to a new study by ReviewPro – which looked at more than 2.5 million guest reviews from hotels across 20 major tourist-friendly cities around the world – Cape Town hotels’ is number one for customer satisfaction.

The company, which provides online reputation and social media analytics to the hospitality industry, used its sentiment analysis technology to rate the reputations of 5,683 different hotels.

RJ Friedlander, chief executive of the company, explained that the tool works like a “real time focus group”, providing additional insights into the key factors on which customers rate establishments.

The top 10 cities with the best hotels are

  1. Cape Town
  2. Melbourne
  3. Saint Petersburg
  4. Sydney
  5. Dublin
  6. Athens
  7. Barcelona
  8. Berlin
  9. Madrid
  10. Mexico City